
News and coverage

News, press releases, selected coverage, and media appearances and contributions.

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Hansard Society staff are happy to speak to the media about our research and recommendations. The Society’s research team features regularly in broadcast, print and online media, and staff write and contribute to news and comment articles.

News / Parliament Matters Bulletin: What's coming up in Parliament this week? (22-26 July)

This week is a five-day sitting as MPs grapple with some of the proceedings needed to set up a new Parliament, although the Private Members' Bill ballot has been delayed until after the Summer recess. This week three Deputy Speakers will be elected, MPs will vote on the King's Speech, and Keir Starmer will face his first PMQs. The House of Commons will also be asked to approve over £1 trillion of Government spending.

21 Jul 2024
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News / What has Keir Starmer got in common with Robert Redford? - Parliament Matters podcast, Episode 42

The legislative process is underway following the King’s Speech, so what bills are planned? This week, Professor Philip Cowley, an expert on parliamentary rebellions, joins the podcast to discuss managing a mega-majority. Intriguingly, he reveals why Keir Starmer reminds him of Robert Redford.

19 Jul 2024
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News / What has Keir Starmer got in common with Robert Redford? - Parliament Matters podcast, Episode 42 transcript

The legislative process is underway following the King’s Speech, so what bills are planned? This week, Professor Philip Cowley, an expert on parliamentary rebellions, joins the podcast to discuss managing a mega-majority. Intriguingly, he reveals why Keir Starmer reminds him of Robert Redford.

12 Jul 2024
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News / New arrivals, absent friends and time-honoured ceremonies - Parliament Matters podcast, Episode 41 transcript

Old stagers and complete newcomers: Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s ministerial team is taking shape. But is it a good idea to turn newly-minted MPs straight into ministers? Looking ahead we also explore the upcoming Deputy Speaker elections and the allocation of Select Committee chairs.

12 Jul 2024
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News / New arrivals, absent friends and time-honoured ceremonies - Parliament Matters podcast, Episode 41

Old stagers and complete newcomers: Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s ministerial team is taking shape. But is it a good idea to turn newly-minted MPs straight into ministers? Looking ahead we also explore the upcoming Deputy Speaker elections and the allocation of Select Committee chairs.

12 Jul 2024
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