
Parliament Matters: A podcast about the institution at the heart of our democracy

Parliament Matters podcast cover image. ©Hansard Society

Join two of the UK's leading parliamentary experts, Mark D'Arcy and Ruth Fox, as they guide you through the often mysterious ways our politicians do business and explore the running controversies about the way Parliament works.

Each week they will analyse how laws are made and ministers held accountable by the people we send to Westminster. They will be debating the topical issues of the day, looking back at key historical events and discussing the latest research on democracy and Parliament. Why? Because whether it's the taxes you pay, or the laws you've got to obey... Parliament matters!

Submit your questions to the show

Mark and Ruth will be answering questions from listeners on all things Parliament during each show.

Learn more and send us your questions online via the button below.

Parliament Matters is produced by the Hansard Society with the support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, a Quaker trust which engages in philanthropy and supports work on democratic accountability.

To get the latest episodes as soon as they land, subscribe to the podcast here.

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Coming up

  • Westminster update Episode 43 - (26 July 2024)

Previous episodes

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