Publications / Guides

Procedural and constitutional guides

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Guides / The Parliament Act 1911: A procedural guide

The Parliament Act 1911 is one of the UK's most important constitutional laws. It removed the veto of the House of Lords over legislation (subject to certain conditions) and has been central ever since to the centuries-old debate about the proper role of the House of Lords in our democratic system.

24 Mar 2024
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Guides / The King’s Speech and State Opening of Parliament: A procedural and constitutional guide

State Opening, with the King’s Speech at its centre, is the key ceremonial and constitutional event at the start of a new Session of Parliament. Our 3 short guides below set out what the occasion is, what happens on the day, and how the King’s Speech is then debated.

06 Nov 2023
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Guides / What is the debate on the ‘Address’?

After the King's Speech has been delivered, each House must respond to it. This response takes the form of a 'humble Address' from the House to the King, thanking him for the Speech. The debate on this motion is properly called the 'Debate on the Address'. The debate lasts for several days in each House and provides an occasion for a wide-ranging and constitutionally significant discussion about the Government's policies and programme.

06 Nov 2023
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Guides / What is the King’s Speech?

The King’s Speech is the vehicle through which the Government sets out its legislative programme for a new Session of Parliament. The Speech is the central element of the State Opening of Parliament. The King’s Speech may also be referred to as the 'Gracious Speech'. It is written by the Government; the Monarch simply reads it out. However, the references which the Monarch makes in the Speech to 'my Government' reaffirm the constitutional fact that, formally, the Government is the King's Government and is appointed by him.

06 Nov 2023
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Guides / What is the State Opening of Parliament?

State Opening is the ceremony that takes place to formally mark the start of a new Session of Parliament. It is a historic ceremony rich in constitutional symbolism. Most importantly, it is the only regular occasion on which all three of Parliament's constituent elements – the Sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons – normally meet together.

06 Nov 2023
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Guides / What is the King’s Speech?

06 Nov 2023

Guides / Can MPs amend the Budget?

12 Mar 2023

Guides / What is the Finance Bill?

12 Mar 2023

Guides / What is the Budget?

11 Mar 2023

Guides / What are Estimates?

07 Mar 2023

Guides / What is the Estimates cycle?

07 Mar 2023

Guides / What is a Money Bill?

07 Mar 2023

Guides / What is a Ballot Bill?

13 Dec 2019

Guides / What is a Presentation Bill?

13 Dec 2019

Guides / Private Members' Bills (PMBs)

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